Most people get up in the morning and they check their cell phones, they check their text, their Whatsapp, their Facebook, they post something on Facebook, they drive to work and they do the same thing every day all over again. They have lost their freedom in the world and the things around them determine their daily activity. I was a victim of this attitude until one day I found the TRUTH and I took control of my life back.
Start your day right
If you start your day with the question ‘’what is the greatest ideal of myself that I can be today’’? and watch how your mind and your brain will playback all your routine all over again. I am tired, slept bad, gonna be a busy day, lots of appointment, coffee, tea, wash up, dress up, etc., etc. these are the same routine you repeat every day, and my friends this is a negative start. What if you try turning the table around one day and say to your mind listen, today I am the boss and you are going to listen.
So now the body is no longer the mind, you are the mind and so when you want to get up, you become aware of it and we turn back to the present moment. Every time you do that it is a victory. And you are changing some aspect of yourself. Do these every time, write down four positive words, words we are going to be saying to our self every day. These should be positive words to remind you whatever you wish yourself becomes reality. So for example, if you keep saying ‘’I can't’’, ‘’it’s too hard’’, etc. These are exactly what you will feel all day long and weeks and months and years and for a lifetime. But if you choose words like ‘’I am grateful for today’’, ‘’today I want to be happy no matter what’’ ’’Today I will make someone smile’’ ‘’I am a winner’’ and so forth. These things and more will happen to you and your days, weeks, months, and years will be filled with lots of joy and unending happiness. That’s not to say in all these days we won't feel pain, sadness, or weak but the point is to realize when you are weak and stand back and take control of the situation. Afterall there is a popular saying that ‘’falling and standing makes you stronger’’
Write what you speak
Another thing you have to do is write down what you speak. These things you want to change in your life, write them down, see them, read them to yourself, carry them anywhere you go, and reflect on them. How you act should be a reflection of that exact thing you want to change in your life. Write down what you speak, how you speak, things you want to change. How do you act in general? Are you are a complainer? Do you blame everything that happens to you? Do you feel sorry for yourself? That’s victim consciousness. What emotions do you live by? Is it possible that you are so used to living by guilt and it just feels like you? Do you allow your energy to drop?
Become conscious
Become conscious of those states of the mind and body. And review them and say: This is the old self’’
Then say: ‘’what thoughts do I want to fire and wire in my brain?’’ and start wiring and firing and start feeling it. What will your behavior demonstrate today? What choices will I make? One day, one lifetime, and just like you did, rehearse these words time and over again. As you rehearse these words they begin to install in your brain and believe me you are going to start thinking and behaving in that way.
Teach your body and mind what you want to do and how you want them to do it
You can actually teach your body how you want to be programmed in the next minutes, hours, etc, and believe me, it will obey you. The rich people of our current generation didn’t just wake up and got rich. They have already visualized themselves a self long time ago and have carried these thoughts in them. That’s to say before it became manifest outwardly, it was already being built inside of them and gradually their thoughts lead them to make the right decisions and take the right steps.
Be grateful at any point you find yourself.
Yes, I know every day is different and some days are just worst than the others. I have been there. Before I learned what gratitude is, I would let one little problem turn my whole day upside down. But one big question is can you control everything that happens around you? I guess your answer is NO, but you can control for sure how you react to everything that happens around you. Take your time to be grateful every day before you start your day and at the end of each day, be grateful for your life and that of your loved ones and feel in from the inside. Teach your body what it feels like. When you give gratitude it means you are really GETTING SOMETHING and that is what you are being grateful for. Isn’t that great? If you receive something of great value from me, wouldn’t you be grateful, and is your life not valuable enough to be grateful for?.
When you give gratitude, 1200 different chemical reactions go on in the body that begins to restore and repair the body. Make your research “power of gratitude’’ and the most beautiful thing about this is that you can do this at the comfort of your home, on your bed and 5 to 10 minutes of gratitude is enough to boost your day.
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